Wednesday, September 23, 2009

average $10.00 per strand (depending on desired material)

Are you a Bowmen, perhaps a Knight?
Do you love Football, Soccer, Baseball, Volleyball or Tennis, or is it Lacrosse, Basketball or Dance.
Sports & Name Bracelets and Phone Charms are custom made to order. What is your Sport?

Custom Crafted Jewelry

Designs by Lori

Do you have a special occasion and need that charming accessory, or have an old heirloom you want to make into a modern piece to wear. Would you like to give a special gift of charm to your friend, mother, wife, daughter or even son or husband. How about show your support to the athlete in your family, show off those school colors?

Let me help you give that gift. I can make that special something for you and within your budget . I will work with your style, color, size, what ever you need.

Drop me a line with your questions or order wishes.
Please mark subject "Jewelry Inquire"